year of Eid al fitr, I visited to my relatives’ house and neighbors’ house.
day, my family and I went to mosque to execute Eid pray. After that, my family
and I prepared to go to my grandmother’s house. I left at 08.30 used
motorcycles. Coming there were my aunt and uncle, I shook my hand with all
enjoy, all food existed in there. Around 11.00 I went to my aunt’s house.
05.00 pm, my family and I returned home. Getting home I took a bath and rested
directly, after praying Maghreb I continued my event to visit neighbors until
09.00 pm.
day I went to cousin’s house. Fourth day, I visited to MTS teachers’ house, we
gathered in front of SPBU. Fifth day, I visited to Aliyah teachers’ house. When
we will leave, my friends had not come yet, so I had to wait them. That reason
made us had to be late.
evening, we had to return to our house. Although I was very tired, I was very
Nuzulia Rahmawati
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