Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Activities at the Feast of Eid Al-Fitr

Last Eid day happened on August 30th 2011. Eid was the day that most exciting and also exhausted for me. Last year, my activities from morning to night were very dense. The first day I prayed in the field than followed by silaturahmi to our relatives.

After morning the eid prayer, my family and I went close relative’s home of my father. When finished, my family and I went to the grandmother’s house. Arrived there, we were greeted by a grandmother. When her grandchildren came, my grandmother spoiled her grandchildren.

I loved Eid because I could meet my relatives and also be spoiled by my grandmother.

Name: Rahmana Faizah

Eid on Different Day

Last year, there were different dates in celebrating Eid. On 30 and 31 august 2011 was the day of eid al-fitr.

Last Eid al-fitr feast was different than usual, because there was celebrated on august 30 and 31. And at that time I celebrated on 30th. Although different I still celebrated it with enthusiasm.

On august 30th morning, my family and I performed Eid pray on the field. After that, we went home. We got home to eat together before I and my family got ready to go to grandma’s house. After getting ready we headed straight to grandmother’s house on foot, because my grandma’s house was close enough from my house, which was about 50 meters. When we got there, there were many brothers and sisters who had come.

And in the grandmother’s house, there were many jokes. When we would leave, we usually greeted out brothers and sisters. After going to grandmother’s house, my family and I went to neighbors’ house. My family and I went to neighbors’ house to sillaturahmi.

The next day at 31 my family and I went to neighbors that celebrate Eid that day.

Although celebrating the feast of eid al-fitr in different days, I was still happy, even though the atmosphere was different, the important thing I could gather with my brother.

Name: Zulfia Rahmawati

My Activities in the Feast

I Introduce my name is Muhammad Azwar Anas Al Arifi, usually I am called Azwar. I live in the village of Wates Undaan Kudus. August 30th 2011, first I went into the field to pray and heard sermons of id feast. After all this time listened to the sermon, the sermon was finished, and I went home.

I went home, shook hands and apologized to my grandmother, then to my mother and my brother and sister. After that I went with my family to the house of the brothers of my mother and father.

Then we went home and rested for a while until the evening. When night fell, my family and I shook hands and apologized to our neighbors until we finished and went home.

On the second day, my family and I went to my uncle and aunt whose place was far away.

Although tired, but it was enjoyable for me. And I was very happy because the feast day was my favorite day.

Name: Muhammad Azwar Anas Al Arifi

Eid Al-Fitr

In the August 30th 2011, I celebrated Eid Al-Fitr. Before celebrating Eid, we did Ramadhan fasting. The first day of Eid my family and I went to field to Eid pray, than we silaturahmi to our relatives.

After all Muslims fasted during the month of Ramadhan, Eid al-fitr came with variety of preparation. I had done to welcome it.

On 1st Syawwal all muslims celebrated Eid Al-Fitr. After the Eid pray in the field of Gribig, I came home with my family. Then my family and I ate together. After that, my family and I went to my grandmother’s house. There was very nice, because all the family gathered all.

Finally, after the evening, my family and I came back home.

Name: Chilman Syarif

Eid Al-Fitr

One day before the feast of Eid al-fitr, that night my friends and I performed takbiran together in mosque and we proclaimed takbiran until midnight. After that at around 2 am I went home because I was sleepy and went to bed.

After that when I woke up in the morning, I was happy because this time the feast day of Eid, and I immediately took a bath and then I put on new clothes and underwear. After that my family and I went to the mosque together for Eid pray. Then I came home and apologized to the parents and other family.

Then I went to homes of my grandfather and grandmother to form friendships. After I shook hands and apologized I went home, because I was tired I went to bed. I asked my friend to former friendship to the neighbors, and then I formed friendship together with my friend, after than I went home. My body felt tired after that I went to sleep.

Later in the morning I asked my school friends to formed friendship to the home of teacher, and then we went to the place of teachers to form friendship. After all of our teachers had been visited, we went home. Then I went home and rested.

Name: Abdul Ghofur